Pachamama’s Birthday Celebration

Pachamama’s Birthday Celebration

When there’s an opening- a window of time when you know for certain, Pachamama is listening, what would YOU say? What then would your prayers be? Gratitude? A request? A prayer for a quality of being, in this mixed up world, like peace? Or something material...
Rites of the Pleiades

Rites of the Pleiades

To the Andeans, we come from the stars, and to the stars we will return. ….And return to the stars when we have cleansed this lifetime from our physical forms. When we have raised our vibration back to pure sami – pure light. The Rites of the Pleiades...
Pachamama Workshop

Pachamama Workshop

Open a door to building one of the most important relationships you will ever know – Pachamama. On this workshop we are going to learn about how she is way beyond ‘just the Earth’ as a Nature Being. Pachamama offers each of us deep soulful healing,...
Ñusta Karpays- Rites with Feminine Nature Beings

Ñusta Karpays- Rites with Feminine Nature Beings

This workshop offers you something unique – a learning ‘from within’ about what the AUTHENTIC feminine is. In opening to receive these Feminine Nature Being Rites, we empower ourselves with a new way of being. Are the Feminine energies only in...