On this day, we will meet at The Yoga Factory in Southend, UK, or online, and together with 2 experienced facilitators, we’ll journey through all the levels of our being. Bringing balance to our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic aspects. We...
Open a door to building one of the most important relationships you will ever know – Pachamama. On this workshop we are going to learn about how she is way beyond ‘just the Earth’ as a Nature Being. Pachamama offers each of us deep soulful healing,...
This workshop offers you something unique – a learning ‘from within’ about what the AUTHENTIC feminine is. In opening to receive these Feminine Nature Being Rites, we empower ourselves with a new way of being. Are the Feminine energies only in...
Pachamama forms thee foundation to all of life- to the entire cosmos! And so, this workshop forms the foundation not only to the Heart of Nature programme, but to almost every workshop offered here. It offers tools that will last you for the rest of your life. Juicy...
Full moons are a great opportunity to hold Andean ceremony of Living Prayers, gathering together to offer our gratitude to Pachamama for supporting us in so many exquisite ways. Each of us sending our heart-filled thanks for all that we’ve received, releasing that...
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