Unfortunately in our modern world today, we generally take the earth for granted, that she will provide- no matter how we treat her. And this imbalance of human power and control over, is showing loud cracks in the earth, as climate change and species extinction is...
EQUINOX CEREMONY:  A day of nature, balance and flow

EQUINOX CEREMONY: A day of nature, balance and flow

On this day, we will meet at The Yoga Factory in Southend, UK, or online, and together with 2 experienced facilitators, we’ll journey through all the levels of our being. Bringing balance to our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic aspects. We...
Wisdom of the Rainbow Jaguar

Wisdom of the Rainbow Jaguar

The Jaguar, highly revered in ancient Incan and Mayan tribes for her feminine power, is not preyed upon in the wild. Instead she leads. Controls the population of prey and maintains integrity of these systems in the jungle. She travels through all three worlds using...
Sacred Nature Retreat

Sacred Nature Retreat

Revitalise – Let go – Be…..doesn’t that sound heavenly? Let’s spend 4 days in a private reserve, luxuriating in untouched Nature. Karen, Pampamesayoq, Earth Guardian & teacher of the Sacred Arts of the Andes mountains, will hold a...
The Earth Within (Workshop )

The Earth Within (Workshop )

Build the most important relationship you’ll ever have in this life- with Mother Earth. This is an opportunity to remember your connection, and harmonise with her, to speak with and release heaviness; opening to listen for guidance and support. Honouring the...