Ancient Andean medicine for the British Isles and beyond…
Are you a Nature Lover who hears the call to transform your life and the Planet’s?
Here, we offer ways to return to the
Heart of Nature,
for soul-deep empowerment and reconnection with Mother Earth.
Learn how we heal with Nature
Private sessions:
Andean Cleansing Sessions
Considering a cleansing session to discover what Andean Nature healing is all about?
Let’s see if I can describe what unfolds in one…. because it’s unlike any other modality. There isn’t a structure of what it will look like, But what I can tell you is that I use ancient Inkan techniques to invite nature in to cleanse away as much heaviness as we can. This supports your healing – wherever you may need it. Pachamama and I, work with every level of your being, together with wise, nature beings wisdom.
As a Pampamesayoq, there are relationships and initiations that I hold connection with Pachamama, the Wind, Hummingbird or the Jaguar, different levels of power and energy consciousness etc, that can serve you with their powerful essence. I step back to allow them to tell me which blockages are a priority, and then the appropriate Nature being will show up to work where we need it.
General the first sessions are all about clearing away, clearing up the heavy energy that we carry. But later, for those who continue, often there is an issue, that we may live with and aren’t aware of it’s impact – That Pachamama will say, go there, let’s bring that to the surface to be released.
The workshops that I teach, give you the tools to be able to do this for yourself. But for those new to this path, who wish to know more before diving in, will find this a perfect exploratory option.
These sessions clear away hucha, this heavy energy, from all levels of your being, Wehter physical, emotional, mental spiritual or energetic!
Afterwards people react in different ways, they may be very relaxed, some just want to go sleep. Others have a lot of energy, while some will be emotional for a few days after. Many will say they feel incredibly grounded and present afterwards.
The impact is usually only seen a while after. But there is a beautiful feeling of connection that people discover. So it is worth exploring.
These sessions are done online, although now I have rooms in Newton Poppleford, Devon, UK- if you want to come through and be present with me in the space. It makes no difference to me or how I work, whether online or live. – Nature (like energy) is everywhere, of course. ;o)
Sessions for those new to this, are 45 min long.
For those who wish to continue with these sessions, they can be bought in a package of 3. We can clear the way, and activate purpose. This video will talk about all the opportunities available, please watch it. And also get to know me, to see if this is a fit.
Whatever you feel is appropriate, to unfold in the best way for you. Deeply profound – and often beyond the understanding of the head, this video I made a few years ago, below will give you way more info
45mins = £75
Talking stick sessions
These are only for workshop students, who are wanting support and guidance as they traverse this ‘Andean’ way of being.
By this, I mean, these sessions are for you students who have already learnt Pachamama practices, Earthly based tools, know how to release hucha, or connect with Nature Beings etc on your own. They have attended an Andean workshop facilitated by myself. and have questions pertaining to these workshops, the tools, or a personal issue and how to apply this medicine.
Taliking Stick sessions are different lengths, also 90 minute healing sessions available for students too. It will be in your logistics when joining the Heart of Nature programme etc.
Contact me for more info, to book and any other information you may require.

Ask a Question or book here: