Pachamama :

The Foundation workshop

We as westerners, have forgotten our true connection within nature, so it means having to remember & re-educate ourselves from the inside out. For 100’s of years our ancestors have ignored & slowly lost this knowledge.

Unlike the Andeans who grow up with this way of being, we now have to be pioneers in our Western world and teach ourselves once again. Returning ourselves back to a heart-centred way of living incorporated within the living Universe of Pachamama. . For our own transformation and regeneration- but also for the generations to come.

Where there is connection within, there is connection to all of life.

This PACHAMAMA workshop holds the foundation of all learnings, teachings & practices for this Earth-based path. And is a requirement before going any further with most of the other Andean workshops in this school. (but not all) The practices you will learn on this workshop, will hold you as you journey and transform – and learn any of the other workshops and practices.

The practices that are held within this Pachamama workshop, offer a solid foundation to communicate, rejuvenate, bond, build relationship with our beautiful Earth being & become part of the natural family of ALL life.

As an experienced facilitator with 30 years experience in group circles, and an authentic training with the Q’eros, Nature & Pachamama herself, I will build with you, a safe container as you travel this journey from the head to the heart. So you can begin to weave yourself into – and let nature incorporate you into their family once again – consciously!

It is a beginner’s course for anyone new to this way of being with nature, AND for those who want to transform their lives! For those of you who would like to know more about this beautiful tradition, curious about the richness that this ancient Inka path offers.

You will transform within, and learn :

  • practices to build relationship with the earth and her family of nature /spirit beings- bringing healing, connection & deep guidance
  • why the Q’ero WANT us Westerners to learn these practices, their history & predictions
  • the 7 levels of consciousness
  • understanding how they view the world in reciprocity with nature, Ayni in Qechua – (so we may remember our part and step into it’s power)
  • practices for
    • healing
    • rejuvenating our depleted life force
    • aligning ourselves with the forces of nature and spirit
  • building up creative energy with which to manifest from – discovering a system that brings grace in manifesting our dreams- in cooperation & with support of Pachamama
  • learning about energy anatomy & personal power structures unknown to us in the Western world!
  • ceremony for living prayers
  • and being immersed in sacred space.

You will learn about these practices & theory, & embody them -putting them into ACTION!!!

I love this path because it is incredibly grounded and pragmatic! Not something to learn with our heads, to be all airy fairy & blissed out. It is an incredibly profound path back home, but we have to practice to embody the principles to create change.

Our planet needs us to!

And so we will practice in between sessions, bring our experiences back to the group to share & learn from each other — and receive coaching where necessary.

The Pachamama foundation course is therefore spread one night or day per week, over 8 weeks. 

With an opportunity to join supportive community meetings once a month, on an ongoing basis afterwards.

*The Pachamama workshop is also the basis for the ‘Heart Of Nature’ programme. This programme is for those of you who wish to transform your lives, held over a year long container- opening to a wholeness & Munay (love) beyond our understanding.

*This Pachamama workshop is a requirement before going to the next step of expanding your power on the ‘Wachay: Birth (module 2) on this programme, and forms the foundation to almost every other workshop on the Andean Path. 

It is time to be the change we wish to see in the world!  – but also, I think we owe it to the generations ahead of us, to bring this way of being back into the human experience for our future.


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