HELP SA Ocean & Marine Life: Living Prayers for Spiritual Activism Against SHELL Oil

Seismic surveys by SHELL Oil in our Ocean, begins 1st December. Firing air guns of extremely loud, shock wave emissions into the water, damaging Marine life on the SA Coast: whales, dolphins, seals, penguins, sharks and even crabs and tiny shellfish will be blasted. Join us online to protest with Spiritual Activism & Andean medicine.

HELP SA Ocean & Marine Life: Living Prayers for Spiritual Activism Against SHELL Oil

Seismic surveys by SHELL Oil in our Ocean, begins 1st December in search of oil or gas deposits.
Over the next five months, they will set off up to 48 air guns every 10 seconds, methodically through 6,011km² of ocean surface, firing extremely loud, shock wave emissions that penetrate through 3km of water and 40km, into the Earth’s crust below the seabed.

In the process, marine life on the sensitive Wild Coast and KwaZulu Natal regions will be panicked and damaged.

Many sea creatures will be affected in the coming months — whales, dolphins, seals, penguins, sharks and even crabs and tiny shellfish will be blasted. Starting in South Africa, along KwaZulu Natal/ Wild Coast from Morgan Bay to Port St Johns, sea creatures will either be disorientated, deafened, killed, or land on our beaches in confusion and die without reason.


Dr Emoto taught us that water holds frequencies and has memory. Think what the blasting is going to do to our water! Never mind the creatures that inhabit it, that use the frequencies to navigate and hear underwater!

It will also infiltrate water, spreading around the Globe, and end up in YOUR tap water! Lowering the frequency and health of our water with more trauma.

*This impacts ALL of us around the world*

So at the same time we will use this powerful characteristic of water, of frequency and ‘memory holding’ to our benefit, engaging with water in our offering to ripple the message out.

Through this powerful ceremony and living prayers, guided by Karen Weinman, an Andean Shaman, who has an inherently close relationship with the Mother of the Waters, will communicate, access Pachamama and Mother of the Water’s power and strengths of this Universal Nature Being, so that we as a group can :

– powerfully affect the situation
– take responsibility for human destruction and disrespect -to cleanse it!
– But also through her, we can forewarn the sea creatures, and raise the consciousness of the ocean in that region etc.

There is so much we can do on a spiritual level!

So please join me for a living prayer ceremony, a Despacho (Hawariquy offering) to hold all our prayers and powerful intentions, to be released into Pachamama and her waters.

WHEN: Monday 29th November
TIME: 18:30 for 18:45 start SAST (6:30pm South African time)
WHERE: Online

– DM /message via FB – Karenweinman5 or @Miskayani Medicine
– email:
(Pls be aware my reply can go into your junk folder)
– Or whatsapp (27)824462797

The world is invited!

No charge – except, please bring your powerful human skills: focused life force, your conscious intention & your compassion.

ALL are welcome.

*No worries if you know nothing about Andean Medicine that works directly with nature. This event will be held with an open mind and heart. All Humans & cultures are welcome.

Information on Despachos if you’ve never taken part in one:

It is time to stop being complacent and get into action. If you can’t join the protests on the beaches, you can join us online from wherever you are in the world.

**Please pass this event on**

I will be posting videos and articles in the event page for more info.
* Including the petition link to sign.

Our love for nature and concern for future survival, will motivate us to create change and manifest different outcomes as it hangs in the balance.

Time to wake up and take a stand.

We cannot sacrifice whales and nature for our own selfish luxuries any more.

Nature has been offering her love for eons to us ungrateful visitors.

Find a way to get involved now.

Nature is waiting.
And we have the power to love her back!

This workshop’s details :

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