Introductory Talk
This beautiful Andean Mountain Medicine is soo unique from our Western world. Through it we get to engage with the Cosmos, the Earth and aspects of Nature we never would dream exists. It calls us, tugs at our hearts without us being aware yet, waking up our curiosity. And when we dive in- we feel we are home.
When we are new to it though, it can be daunting.
Where to start?
Who with?
Do I have to go to Peru?
Can I trust what I find on the internet?
What does it have to do with the Andes Mountains, with the Inka- the ancient tribes of South America?
What are the sacred sites about?
How will this medicine affect me?
So many questions for you as a newcomer, who are called and fascinated….like I was. And countless students on the journey.
Having stumbled, got burnt – and found incredible beauty and richness all at the same time, sharing my journey may serve you to begin to understand a little more.
As someone who has delved deeply, I (Karen Weinman) am going to attempt to touch many bases in one online event.
Sharing from my own experiences, travels and healings of myself, clients and students to gently ease you in. How I prefer to teach- my signature. How I work with Pachamama. I’ll touch on the outcomes, on what you can expect.
And answer your questions….
I’m currently writing a book to attempt to meet the complexity of the Andean worlds, I’ll share the way only the Q’eros, the indigenous people of the Andes have been doing for hundreds of years- verbally, visually- and with an experience.
So join me, learn more, and begin to get a sense if this is a fit for you or not! There’s no charge, minimising the risk but offering you an opportunity to engage.
Email me to book your place and receive the Zoom link – this one is online.